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공개·회원 13명

Samuel Anderson
Samuel Anderson

[S3E11] A Funny Thing Happened On The Way Home ... !LINK!

That's the question I get asked more than any other. It drives people crazy: "Where's the Russian? What happened to the Russian?" We could say, "Well, he got out and there's a big mob war with the Russians," or "He crawled off and died." But we wanted to keep it ambiguous. You know, not everything gets answered in life.[1]

[S3E11] A Funny Thing Happened on the Way Home ...

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Michael and Dwight take an excursion out of Scranton, chasing after a coked-up Ryan for a night out in New York City. It's perhaps one of my favorite episodes that takes place outside the friendly confines of Scranton Business Park. Michael is so goddamn earnest and Dwight is so singularly focused, but never on the right thing. In the end, they see a glimpse of a world they cannot fathom and it's almost touching to see Ryan naked of ambition, drugged up, sweating out the night on his bed. It's funny but if you really watch it, it's more sad. His story was always a sad one. A high-level grifter full of ambition, lacking any talent, and stubbornly committed to never self-assessing. He could've been president.

Let's address the elephant in the room: Some people won't be pleased that anything from Season 8 or 9 is ahead of relative classics like "Launch Party." But you've got to consider that these episodes are so, so key in, first, sticking the landing on the end of the show and, second, driving home that these characters are ones that last in our memories.

Upset that corporate is having a meeting just for women, Michael insists on a separate event just for the men. It's just an all-time episode for laughs. I know that feels weird to say, what with it ranked 98th, but this where you need to take the entirety of the ranking system into play. It is a funny as hell episode but it doesn't particularly matter on the larger arc of the show. This is Michael going bonkers but nothing of import.

This is a sneaky important episode. Michael and Jan move toward a public romance after he accidentally mass emails a photo of her sunbathing in Jamaica. Michael comes home from that dalliance and insists on a luau party. Jan (somehow?) doesn't learn of the photo mishap and tells Michael she wants to see where this goes. "My psychiatrist thinks that I have some self-destructive tendencies and that for once, I should indulge them," she says, aptly.

Jim breaks up with Amy Adams' character. Michael dances on the Rob Riggle-captained boat, trying to convey something akin to Business Lessons. Holy shit, Carell does that slap-dance thing and it's elemental how funny it is. The laughs are pure, snorted comedy.

Oh and also, the God in the Chili's thing is a joke. And it's funny. But it's also a wink from the people creating The Office. Pam felt something like fate in that Chili's. Really, she felt what her life may become if she can find the strength to ditch Roy. And they crammed all that into like 20 minutes. Damn near perfect.

Sisko and Bashir lie unconscious on the pavement as they are rudely awakened by a pair of tan-uniformed men carrying shotguns. Confused, Sisko asks who the men are, a question the older man finds humorous. Bashir and Sisko rise to their feet, disoriented, as the younger man reminds his companion that they have been working all night. He suggests that they forget about the strangers, as he's exhausted and eager to return home to see his wife Sonya and their children. The older man calls the younger one an anarchist and reminds him that there is a law against sleeping in the streets, although he notes with amusement Bashir and Sisko's matching "pajamas." Asking them for some form of identification, such as a UHC card or a transit pass, the older man is dismayed to hear Bashir ask what happened to Starfleet Headquarters, calling them both "dims." Sisko slowly begins to realize where they are as he observes that there is something very familiar about the guards' shotguns and uniforms. The older man suggests it may be from the last time Sisko was in a Sanctuary District; Sisko recognizes the term immediately and looks alarmed. He asks what year it is. The younger man impatiently tells him it is 2024, and as the guards escort Sisko and Bashir away, Dax can be seen nearby, unconscious and sitting in the entrance to a subway.

The guards lead Bashir and Sisko to the main entrance to Sanctuary District A, where an overcrowded apartment-style building lies behind a large cement wall. As the older man, Vin, fills out some type of registration form, his partner Bernardo keeps an eye on them. Bashir and Sisko both saw the Golden Gate Bridge on the way to the sanctuary, so they know they are at least in San Francisco, but Bashir wonders what happened to their combadges. With a hint of frustration, Sisko informs him that the communicators were probably stolen, as the Earth to which he and Bashir have become accustomed is at least a century away. They decide to try to find Dax when they get a chance, as she is probably nearby. "And then what?" Bashir asks with a degree of apathy. "And then," responds Sisko reassuringly, "we find our way home." Vin finishes filling out the paperwork and tells them it is time to go. As he and Bernardo enter the sanctuary behind them, Bernardo insists that his wife Sonya will kill him for being so late.

Inside the wall, apartment buildings similar to the one they observed earlier line the streets and there are people everywhere. Sisko explains that the place is a Sanctuary District, but Bashir concedes that 21st century history is not one of his strong points, as it is too depressing. While Sisko admits that the citizens of Earth made some ugly mistakes, he says they also paved the way for many things he and the doctor take for granted in their century. The Sanctuary Districts are one of the worst mistakes; as he explains the situation to Bashir, they see that trash is everywhere and dirty people fill the streets, with an older couple sitting in a tent and a family of three literally living in a cardboard box. By the early 2020s, Sisko says that there was a Sanctuary District like this one in every major city throughout the United States of America, but Bashir fails to understand the purpose and asks what the people did to deserve such treatment. Sisko tells him that people with criminal records are not allowed in the sanctuaries and those who live here are simply people without jobs or places to live. Vin instructs Bashir and Sisko to stop and tells Bernardo to go home to his wife and kids, out of both compassion for his partner and visible annoyance at the ramblings of the two new arrivals. Bernardo thanks Vin and takes off. Gesturing forward, Vin sarcastically asks Bashir and Sisko, "Shall we?"

Meanwhile, Dax and Brynner are at a high-class party, complete with waiter. She, Brynner, and two of his acquaintances discuss recent events, such as Brynner's recent skiing trip to Christchurch at Mount Cook and how Europe has fallen into political anarchy. When Dax implies that the same political situation might arise in the United States of America, Chris's friends seem indignant. Chris apologizes on her behalf and explains how Jadzia was mugged, claiming such an experience would leave anyone with a negative outlook on the future. He adds that whoever mugged her took everything, even her ID, and Chris's other friend claims Dax is lucky the police did not find her first, as she might have ended up in a Sanctuary District. Dax immediately pulls Chris aside and he confirms that it is public policy to put those found on the streets without ID in sanctuaries. She is sure that must be what happened to Sisko and Bashir, but while Chris observes that sanctuary records "aren't posted on the 'net," he believes he can gain access to them.

Michael Landon began writing the show too dark, Most of the things never happened. Mary never married and had children, so why write a show where her baby and Alice Harvey burn to death in a fire? The Sylvia episode, is really macabre. This show just became too much. Michael Landon was really a dark writer. The Olesons made the show bearable

The idea for the Howard Lyman character is so funny: The cranky, old law partner who does nothing but collect money, but every once in a while is either useful for a vote or makes ridiculous trouble. It's always good to see Hesh from The Sopranos dropping in.

After Hajime moved out to attend high school, it is mentioned that Mutsuki regularly sends embarrassing videos of Hajime to both Tohru and Kyo. Mutsuki also enjoys reguarly texting Tohru about his and the other Sohmas' day-to-day life, which she enjoys.[99] Hajime at one point has remarked on the fact that his friend, Sawa Mitoma, reminds him of his mother.[100] It is also implied that their household is quite hectic, as Hajime says that he never gets a chance to study when he returns home during breaks, and that his parents are quite nosy and make a big deal out of every little thing.[97] It is perhaps for this reason that Hajime has never invited his parents to any school festival.[101]

When Roy gets home for the photo shoot, Keeley is having a meltdown, feeling nervous that this is attention given to her as a person, not just her as a beauty, like when she was modeling. Roy gives her the pep talk to end all pep talks, and he's just the best and most wonderful boyfriend, and the photo shoot gets off to a great start. But during a break from some couples pictures, Keeley tells Roy about Nate trying to kiss her, which doesn't seem to bother Roy much; he mostly thinks it's a little funny. Roy tells Keeley, a bit more seriously, that he didn't tell Phoebe's teacher about her when asked if he was married. And then Keeley tells him, most seriously, that Jamie told her at the funeral that he still loved her. It's clear from the mood of this scene that this is all Big Trouble for them.

Ted confronts Sharon when she comes home on her bike, so she invites him up to her apartment to talk. Not too surprisingly, he's unhappy she didn't say goodbye. And when she points out that he was supposed to read her letter, he insists that he didn't, and he isn't going to, and doesn't she understand that his fears of abandonment makes this a really bad thing for her to do to him? Of course, he eventually does read the letter, and while they don't say exactly what's in it, it's clear that it moves Ted greatly, and their rift is quickly healed. They head off to the pub for a drink. 041b061a72


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