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공개·회원 13명

Samuel Anderson
Samuel Anderson

Where To Buy Urns

At, once in a long while we get a call from a person, usually pretty old or with a terminal illness that is leaving everything ready, and that includes buying an urn, planning the funeral, a niche, or a letter explaining what to do with the remains, etc. Usually that kind of people do not want to bother the immediate family, if they have one, or close friends, with the details of what will eventually happen.

where to buy urns

So, the question when you decide to do that, or when someone dies is: where to buy urns for ashes. Usually, in a typical city, there are only two places where you can buy urns for ashes, in a Funeral Home, Crematory or Cemetery, and the second option is online with stores like

Where to buy locally? We mentioned that before, a Funeral Home, Crematory or Cemetery. Very seldom you will find a local store that sells urns for cremation, they basically do not exist any more, the online option has replaced those stores.

When someone dies, most of the time people do not know what to do and typically they go the closest Funeral Home and arrange all the details there, and Funeral Homes most of the time have inventory of urns and keepsakes to offer the clientele, or they have catalogs of different vendors, so people can choose what they want and they will place the order with their regular supplier.

At we have been selling urns online for over 12 years and we also work closely with several Funeral Homes and Cemeteries. And now, we have started manufacturing our own line of urns in Marble, like our La Nostra white marble urn (or beige) to be able to offer only the best to people looking for one in times of need.

So, where to buy urns for ashes? The answer to that has been explained in detail before and we know that people will never change their minds and start thinking all of a sudden that they should start thinking about the day they will die, that will not happen and that is why companies like exist, because we understand humane nature and we understand that we are a very good option to buy and urn, a keepsake or a piece of cremation jewelry when the time comes.

You can purchase urns from crematories, funeral homes, various online retailers, and other providers (and yes, even Costco). See more about who sells urns here.Purchasing an urn is not mandatory, and you do not have to buy one from your funeral home or crematorium. In many cases, crematoriums provide a temporary container or transparent plastic bag to house the ashes in following the cremation. Depending on how you choose to commemorate your loved one, you can go with a (temporary) urn or a more expensive, personalized one, or something in between.

If you plan on scattering the ashes, whether it be in a body of water or elsewhere, consider purchasing an eco-friendly and biodegradable urn. Not only is this the best choice for the environment, but it also helps you avoid a mishap of having the ashes blown back as you scatter them. Instead, you would simply place the urn containing the ashes into the water.Prior to making any arrangements, ensure that you have done the due diligence around scattering ashes in your province or town. In most cases, as long as you have legal permission from a land owner, you can scatter the ashes on private property. If you plan to scatter ashes over a body of water, it is allowed in Canada in most government run parks. See more about Canadian ash scattering rules.

If you are planning to keep the urn safe and sound at home, choose a spot that is out of reach from mishaps and the hands of little children or pets. With this option, you can choose whichever style and material you prefer.Check out the wide range of urns available online.

If you have chosen to bury the cremated remains of a loved one, a cemetery will be able to provide the information you need. Green cemeteries will only allow biodegradable urns, and if you are working with a traditional cemetery, ground burial requires urns made of wood, metal, or bronze.See more about urn burial here.Further, some cemeteries may require a vault that will protect the urn and keep the ground from collapsing. Check with your cemetery before proceeding.Looking for biodegradable urn options? Click here.

If you are choosing this option, make sure to check with your chosen mausoleum before purchasing your urn. In many cases, they do not accept wooden urns, and only accept the following: ceramic, plastic, or metal urns. They also require urns be a specific size since each niche at the mausoleum has a set size. Metal urns come in various styles and size. Find what you need on in our online urn store.

Considering your budget beforehand will help you make better choices when buying an urn for cremation. Depending on size, material, shape, and if you choose to personalize or not, urns can cost anywhere between $50-$500. Some fine urns can even exceed $1000.

As mentioned above, urns come in a number of sizes, shapes, and materials; from wood and ceramic to plastic and metal, there are many different materials to choose from. Further, you can take these materials and place them in either of the following categories: permanent and non-permanent.

Since 1998, has provided the widest selection of cremation urns for human remains. manufactures, sells and distributes a wide selection of urns for cremation and cremation jewelry as pendants, bracelets, etc.

Human cremation urns come in a wide range of styles made from different materials including marble urns for ashes, handcrafted wood urns, alabastrite urns, solid brass urns, cloisonné urns, ceramic urns, as well as biodegradable urns.

Browse the online catalog to compare urn vaults for burial, infant cremation urns for babies ashes, keepsake urns and collections, pet urns for cats and dogs, tealights to light your remembrance For help understanding which urn is best for you, visit the blog for a wealth of information about the various types of urns for sale.

Ash urns are memorial boxes or vessels that hold your loved one's cremated remains. Also known variously as cremation urns, funeral urns, or urns for ashes, you can use just about anything to hold the ashes, but most families choose a high-quality and attractive container to hold the cremation ashes in a way that shows respect to the departed loved one.

Just remember that, according to the Federal Trade Commission, you have the legal right to buy an ash urn from anywhere you like and the funeral home is required by law to use it. Most funeral homes are totally above board on all this, but it's not uncommon that they just might hand you their urn catalog and expect you to buy from them. Take a look, then check out our urns.

From tiny urns that hold a pinch of ashes to companion urns that hold the remains of two people, urns come in all sizes. And shapes. And designs, materials, colors, themes, personalization options..... You get the idea.

Some ceramic urns can be personalized as well. Glass urns are more difficult to customize, and some metal urns cannot be engraved due to the finish. For these urns, we often recommend a hanging nameplate (a "necklace" to drape around vase-shaped urns) or a separate free-standing nameplate or base plate.

Again, the industry standard is to measure urn capacity in terms of cubic inches. This is the length times the width times the depth of the inside of the urn, in inches. The cremated ashes from most adults is less than 200 cubic inches, and the industry standard size for an adult cremation urn is 200 cubic inches. Just check the product description to make sure it's not one of those small urns mentioned above, and you'll be fine.

Again, you are completely free to work with a funeral home and buy the cremation urn (and other funeral products) elsewhere. The funeral director will gladly take the urn you purchase and transfer the cremated remains from the temporary urn into it for you. Just ask!

On the high end, you can easily find great urns at your local funeral home. They might even stock some, although for many they have a catalog which you can order from their distributor. Many of these urns are nice, but the price tag is often much higher than you'll find online.

Most funeral homes charge a hefty markup for urns and caskets. But in some cases this is changing. We've dealt with many funeral homes that will order from us and simply charge their customer our price, without any markup. So it depends on the pricing, policies, and packages offered by the funeral home. Still, you'll typically save quite a bit by shopping online.

On the low end, if you go with some of the biggest retail reseller brands (Amazon, WalMart, and several of the large cremation urn companies) you will find shockingly cheap prices. As you might guess, the quality of those urns is also cheap. Whereas most standard adult urns cost $300 or more at the funeral home, you can find some similar-looking imported ones (made in India or China, etc) on major resellers for, say, $79. The only downside is that you're truly getting a $79 urn for your loved one.

If you're looking for something of high quality that also isn't way overpriced, just dig a little further. Here at Urns Northwest, since our inception in 2000 we've always focused on high-quality urns, made in the USA. We encourage you to browse our collection of ash urns to discover the one that's right for your loved one.

You may only buy one or two cremation urns throughout your life. Let us help you with the process of purchasing an urn by giving you a list of popular online retailers that sell them. You may also benefit from reading this guide to buying urns.

The company offers wood urns, pet urns, cremation jewelry, and traditional vase-like urns in every design and color imaginable. You can purchase urns made from wood, brass, metal alloy, marble, glass, cloisonne, and ceramic urns. The urn you are buying can raise awareness for a disease or show that your loved one enjoyed motorcycles. 041b061a72


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