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여전도회 1셀

공개·35 성도

Samuel Anderson
Samuel Anderson

White Leaves - The Lord Of The Rings: The Rings Of Power OST

We now know just about as much about the strangers in white robes as we do about the Stranger they're chasing. They're powerful magic users from Rhûn, known as the Dweller, the Ascetic and the Nomad, and that's about it. Oh, and apparently they don't care who they harm on the way to finding the Stranger, which I bet right about now was something Nori wished she'd known before trying to help them.

White Leaves - The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power OST

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Tolkien's writings on Rhûn, its peoples, and the general capabilities of the folks there are thin in the best of times. We know human sorcerers existed in Middle-earth, but they're not supposed to be as powerful as a Wizard. We know Sauron was experimenting with the Unseen World for centuries, so it's reasonable to infer there were beings touching that place before the Nine Kings of Men were corrupted by their rings and became Sauron's servants as Ringwraiths.

Celebrimbor and his smiths forged three rings of power for the Elves. Tolkien made it clear that Galadriel's was made of Mithril, but never explicitly said the same of the other two. So by taking the Mithril and combining it with Finrod's dagger, we get Mithril in all three rings even though they are different colors. This is overall a fine way to demonstrate the forging of these rings, because it's clear those three rings were made at roughly the same time.

Separately, the ring made for Gil-galad is supposed to be the most powerful of the three rings and had the ability to prevent decay and postpone the weariness of the world. This ring is called Vilya. Tolkien never wrote of the Elves fearing death in such an immediate fashion, or that the rings were made in a hurry to deal with that crisis, but Gil-galad's ring is supposed to do what the show claims it does.

In these narratives, rings were often used as a metaphor for power. To share a ring with someone was to share a property with them. There was also a feudal Germanic tradition, Garth notes, of lords giving rings as rewards to their retainers. Not all rings were meant for fingers, either. In the Icelandic saga Eyrbyggja, Khuri explains, an arm-ring becomes the magical binding contract between gods and men. 041b061a72


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