Crack Rock Frank Ocean Download Mixtape [HOT]
So what exactly are you afraid of?Friday, June 28, 2013 Chance the Rapper: Acid Rap (free download)His flow a cartoon whine, his wordplay wittily associative, his affecteducated ghetto, and his main life experiences rising in the rap game,zonking on cannabis and lysergic, and surviving a battle zone, heprojects an anxiety that has recognizable cognates among alt-rockwaste-os with a lot less to be afraid of. Amusing though he and hisyelp can be, I like him best when anxiety is a mood rather than asubject, particularly on the quasi-political track hidden behind"Pusha Man"--"Paranoia," an anti-summer song, because summer's whenpeople gets shot. I also welcome the two-and-a-half minute "interlude"that praises, yup, "falling in love"--and the one that proves "CleanUp Woman" is his favorite song. A MINUS
Crack Rock Frank Ocean Download Mixtape
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