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여전도회 1셀

공개·37 성도

John Jackson
John Jackson

Where To Buy Blue Bell Ice Cream ((FREE))

After four long months, Texas's favorite dessert is back on shelves this week, but where can you buy Blue Bell Ice Cream right now? On Monday, Blue Bell began distributing its ice cream again to certain cities in Texas and Alabama. Eventually, the company plans to return to at least 15 of the 23 states it was sold in before the massive recall that it issued in the spring. For now, though, its distribution remains severely limited.

where to buy blue bell ice cream

Blue Bell's comeback is currently in phase one of five. As of Monday, it had returned to shelves of grocery stores, including Kroger, in the Brenham, Austin, and Houston areas of Texas, as well as the Birmingham and Montgomery areas of Alabama, near where the ice cream is currently being produced. During future phases, the ice cream will gradually return to stores in other areas of Texas, and parts of Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, Florida, Mississippi, Georgia, Kentucky, Missouri, New Mexico, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. No timeline for the subsequent phases has been announced, but Blue Bell will proceed to the next phase "based on product availability and when it can properly service the customers in an area," according to a statement on the company's website.

At this point, it's hard to believe that Blue Bell almost went out of business just a matter of months ago. The ice cream is back and making customers in Texas and Alabama very happy. In Texas, though, there's a hometown advantage. It will be interesting to see how things go as Blue Bell moves on to the next phases in states where it doesn't necessarily have the same brand loyalty.

By 1919, the Creamery was in financial trouble and considered closing its doors. The board of directors hired E.F. Kruse, a 23-year-old former schoolteacher, to take over the company on April 1, 1919. Kruse refused to accept a salary for his first few months in the position so that the company would not be placed in further debt.[8] Under his leadership, the company expanded its production of ice cream to the surrounding Brenham area and soon became profitable. At his suggestion, the company was renamed Blue Bell Creameries in 1930 after the Texas Bluebell, a wildflower native to Texas, and which like ice cream thrives during the summer.[5][7]

After a four-month absence from store shelves over a listeria outbreak, Blue Bell ice cream's reintroduction to the retail market is going well enough that the company is offering shipping to private homes anywhere in the United States.

Did you know you can order Blue Bell Ice Cream and have it shipped to your home or to friends? We can ship our ice cream, neatly packaged with dry ice inside a Blue Bell cooler, to anywhere in the continental U.S. Visit our website for pricing and flavor selection information. You can find the direct link in our profile.

In 1907, local farmers created the Brenham Creamery Company to use the excess cream brought in from regional farmers to make local butter. Not too long after, the creamery began to make ice cream which was delivered by horse and wagon to town residents. In 1930, that small operation became Blue Bell Creameries after the wildflower growing naturally in Texas fields. Now, Blue Bell Ice Cream is notorious with Texas, and for good reason; not only is the ice cream delicious, but the Blue Bell Ice Cream flavors are incredibly creative. Check them out at!

Mint is my favorite flavor of ice cream, from anywhere and on any day of the week. The best ice cream is flavorful without being overpowering, which is so hard to mess up that I had high hopes for Blue Bell Mint Chocolate Chip. 041b061a72


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